Dirk Meyer wrote:
Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
Dirk Meyer wrote:

it would be nice to have a list of implementations
that support a specific XEP. A second step would maybe some inter-op
testing. There are two at the summit, but I guess that is not enough.
For "major" XMPP technologies we've started documenting that:


Much more work is required, however.

Very much work (Pubsub rocks is true but not very helpful).

Well, yeah, those are stub pages, not yet live on the website for the general public. :)

Since the
is a Wiki page for all XEPs, maybe we could use it. Each client or
server can add itself as "I support this starting from version foo".

I see it is done with BOSH:

OT: I hate those long URLs.

The thing is, those pages are tied to a particular XEP. If you want to learn about Jingle, you need to go to 6 different wiki pages. Better, I think, to have one page about each major technology (however we define that) so people can understand the various building blocks. Now, maybe we'd also have a wiki page related to each XEP, but then I wonder how many developers would bother to visit each page and input the the fact that their library supports it. There are a lot of XEPs and therefore a lot of wiki pages. The only wiki page that has this kind of information right now is the XEP-0124 page, and that's only because I poked one of our GSoC students about moving some information from his blog to that page.


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