On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 2:23 AM, Justin Karneges
> On Friday 03 October 2008 17:18:45 Matthew Wild wrote:
>> I thought I recalled some discussion on the lists already regarding
>> this, but I haven't been able to find it. On resource binding, the RFC
>> says the server MAY modify the client's chosen resource. Is there a
>> reason that it doesn't say "If the client provides a resource, the
>> server SHOULD use this" instead?
> I'm not sure if it makes much of a difference.  Either way it would be legal
> for the server to change the resource.  Are you saying you want to actively
> discourage the practice?  I don't like servers changing the resource either,
> but I think "MAY" is the right wording here, which is that the spec doesn't
> take a position on it.

If it doesn't make much difference, let's change it :)

While it is MAY as it is now I believe servers will begin implementing
it as a consequence of all the discussions about leaking presence
through user-specified resources. It's as good as a recommendation. I
would simply rather the focus be on the IM clients to change instead.

There is almost no point at all in allowing the client to specify a
resource if the server has every right to modify it. It's not a road I
think we want to go down.

>> - It is easier to say to a user "Use a better (ie. more up to date)
>> client" than "Use a more up to date server" (something over which they
>> mostly have no control)
> Well, you'll still have the problem that servers are allowed to modify your
> resource.  So the issue of choosing the right server that best fits you is
> still there even with your proposed wording change.

We're living with Google Talk which already does this, I can cope. But
I don't want to see more servers playing around with my resource this
way, then I won't cope :)


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