On Oct 5, 2008, at 2:08 AM, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:

Am 05.10.2008 um 03:05 schrieb Matthew Wild:

Personally I agree with you, I would probably continue to use a static
resource. However it is against the spirit of XMPP to allow the
possibility of presence leaks, so I think it is best that the RFC says
that clients SHOULD ask for a server-generated resource.

A random resource is just a very ugly workaround for presence leaks. Fix the root of the problem, not the symptoms. For example, a client can still leak through XEP-0184, the random resource won't help there.

There will always be presence leaks in some extensions. Its a trade- off: some extensions are not possible without presence leaks.

But the core protocols should not have presence leaks by default.

It sets a bad example for extension writers: "hey, if even core rfcs don't care about presence leaks, why should I?".

No only should Caesar's wife should be above reproach, she should be seen to be, as well.

That said, a clever client could generate a random resource, and use
that. If it got temporarily disconnected, it could re-use the same
resource until you actually sign off manually or quit.

Which would kill the idea of a random resource to "protect you from presence leaks" (which is nonsense anyway).

Please explain why having random resources in the Core protocol doesn't solve presence leaks *in the core protocol*.

Extensions can introduce presence leaks as a trade-off for functionality, after all, thats why they are optional extensions.

Best regards
Pedro Melo
Blog: http://www.simplicidade.org/notes/

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