On 23-Oct-08, at 3:12 PM, Artur Hefczyc wrote:


If the server had to validate XMLNS as well it would significantly
affect the server performance and memory consumption as it would need
to keep information about XMLNS for stanzas currently parsed for all
network connections.

Good point. I was thinking about parsing of just individual stanzas. But it needs to-be for the whole XML stream! Ouch.

Don't even mention the CPU usage to perform
all the validation.
Without tests I can't really say how much the resource usage would grow
but I can imagine it could be significant.
One of the reason for a good performance in Tigase server is a very lightweight
XML parser I have written.

I did the same for M-Link, well actually I had already written it for that other protocol which uses XML.

And please note. All these increased resource usage would be only needed because _sometimes_ it _may_ happen that maybe 1/1mln packet might have
incorrect XMLNS......

I am not sure if this is worth the cost.

It isn't because a client in the end must protect itself and not blindly trust the server.


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