On Sat Oct 25 05:27:49 2008, J, Vijayananda wrote:

I have a use case where I need to publish multiple events in multiple nodes in a single publish call (to avoid multiple server trips). Whereas the batch processing feature present in the XEO 0060 allows publishing multiple items within a single node, I need multiple items in different nodes.

I see lots of mentions of "the publish element", etc, whereas the same text mentions multiple items within it. I think we probably need to assume that the spec is meant to restrict this to a single publish element, at this point, and clarify it accordingly.

You can of course send multiple <iq/> requests for publication simultaneously, although they will not be atomic.

Is this allowed ? since it was not very clear to me when I looked at the schema 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub' It has only minOccurs = 0 for publish and nothing specified for maxOccurs

I'm afraid I believe our schemas are not normative - or at least, the text is considered authoritative in the case of conflict.

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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