On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Dirk Meyer <dme...@tzi.de> wrote:

> I'm thinking of maybe having a proxy in the home network. All local
> devices connect to the proxy and the proxy relays everything to the
> server. In that case the proxy registers all resources from its clients
> to the server. Maybe it is a stupid idea, maybe not.

Besides the fact that it seems overcomplicated, I'm not sure that for
an home network the approach same jid, multiple resources is the
correct one. Multiple resources are sometimes confusing and cause
problems in message / packet delivery, so I'd avoid any action for
extending their use. The only use of resources I'm a fan of is for
allowing simultaneous connections of the same user from different
In these cases I prefer at least three possible alternate approaches:
- trivial, but effective: give a jid to any device (the TV set is not
the same thing that your alarm: they have distinct roles and perhaps
also authorized users and contact lists)
- in you really want to put all together use different nodes for
appending commands
- use an home server and talk to the world with s2s connections
(sooner or later we will have the challenge of handling hundreds of
thousands of s2s connection, so let's face it! ;))


Fabio Forno, Ph.D.
Bluendo srl http://www.bluendo.com
jabber id: f...@jabber.bluendo.com

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