On 28-Feb-09, at 11:49 AM, Justin Karneges wrote:

On Saturday 28 February 2009 10:59:57 Curtis King wrote:
On 28-Feb-09, at 6:10 AM, Mickael Remond wrote:
I still think requiring the full JID is the best approach as it maps
with how to locate a session in the server when sending a message to a

I think that an more reasonable requirement would be session
management can not be enabled until after a bind and a re-bind could
cause a new sm-id to-be issued. This way servers would have all
available to them to generate what ever sm-id they want.

It actually make more sense to only enable session management after a

Given that you can bind multiple resources in a single XMPP-Core session, it probably makes more sense to keep the session management before binding. If you resume a session, then all resources are resumed. This also means that
the session management id has a 1-to-many relationship with full JIDs.

It still can even when you require the session management after a bind. Besides session management before a bind makes no sense as you aren't saving anything.

I don't know if it is written in the XEP this way yet, but the intent is that once you resume the session, you don't have to bind, request the roster, or send initial presence again. The entire state of the session is restored as
it was before connection loss.

I think that is obvious :-)


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