On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Mark Rejhon <webmail...@marky.com> wrote:

> Regarding XEP-0301 at http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0301.html
> I have a mathematic formula for the bandwidth of XEP-0301 as follows:
> *Math Formula for Bandwidth of XEP-0301:*
> Here is a math formula for estimating the bandwidth of XEP-0301, for
> regular typing:
> X = H + (M + (K * i * N)) * C * (1 / i)
> Where:
> X = Average bandwidth, in bytes per second.
> H = Average TCP/IP packet header overhead.
> .........40 if using regular headers.
> .........10 if using header compression. (Average. This varies. Adjust
> appropriately for your network)
> M = Minimum <message> overhead in bytes, including <rtt> and one XEP-0301
> action element.
> .........120 if highly optimized XMPP is used. (super compact jid's)
> .........200 if reasonably optimized XMPP is used. (public full jid's,
> infrequent extra payload)
> .........400 if Google servers is used.
> K = Number of keypresses per second. (Divide WPM by 12, so use K=5 for 60
> WPM)
> N = Overhead per keypress.
> .........1 if Natural Typing is not used
> .........10 if Natural Typing is used (Average. This varies a bit, i.e.
> editing vs typing)
> i = Transmission interval between packets in seconds. Note: Variable is
> used twice in formula.
> .........Recommended value is between 0.3 to 1.0
> C = Compression factor of XMPP
> .........1 if no compression used
> .........Less than 1 if compression used (XEP-0138 or TLS).  Use a value
> of 0.2 for 5:1 ratio.

Addendum, one minor correction to the math formula.
X = H + (M + (K * i * N)) * C * (1 / i)

Should be:
X = (H + (M + (K * i * N)) * C) * (1 / i)

As a result, the H variable (TCP header) is now included in the i variable
calculation (interval).
However, this only changes calculations by a few percent.
Still less than 50 bytes per second for optimized/compressed XEP-0301
without natural typing.

Mark Rejhon

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