On 5/30/12 1:07 PM, Sergey Dobrov wrote:
> On 05/31/2012 01:51 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> On 5/30/12 12:24 PM, Sergey Dobrov wrote:
>>> On 05/31/2012 12:02 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>>>> changing the subject...
>>>> On 5/30/12 3:07 AM, Sergey Dobrov wrote:
>>>> The main problem I see here is that the data you get with item='meta'
>>>> would have a different schema than all the other items in the node.
>>>> This
>>>> is not true with the singleton node model (item='current'). For that
>>>> reason alone, I think it would be best to use the existing mechanism we
>>>> defined for retrieving the node metadata:
>>>> http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html#entity-metadata
>>> As I mentioned before, I think that this mechanism is not suitable to
>>> solve the problem because we have no place to put XML payload there. But
>>> that can be solved if we will invent some field to put it.
>> Aha, OK. I didn't understand that from your previous messages. Sorry.
>> Yes, we could define a field type of "xml", similar to the media field
>> type in XEP-0221. Another option is to define addition fields to be
>> included in the data form. What information do you want to include?
> I want to store in metadata any things that can be stored in atom:feed
> (and not in atom:item). As I said it will store such things as blog
> name, author (so we can not repeat them in each item and update easily)
> or link to a post if it's a comments node. It might be useful to have
> ability to inform subscribers about changes in the metadata too (but
> this is not necessarily). I don't think that we can add necessary fields
> to the data form because it will be strongly depend on the node payload
> type and will be useless for other payloads, so we will lose flexibility.

So we have at least three options:

1. Map the atom:feed elements to x:data fields.
2. Define a generic "xml" field type, similar to XEP-0221.
3. Use a separate metadata node.

Do you see other options?

As you say, #3 introduces atomicity issues.

#2 would be very flexible, but it seems strange to have an unconstrained
"xml" field type inside x:data forms, since x:data forms were designed
as a way to constrain the normally unconstrained structure of XML. :)

Therefore I lean toward #1.


Peter Saint-Andre

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