Pubsub is different but PEP shares it's subscriptions with roster, so
you may look at your roster as on your "Friend list" and build a
protocol to share your friend list. What's wrong with it?

On 02/11/2013 11:02 PM, Ashley Ward wrote:
> The problem with this list being maintained by the server is that there is
> no central point where all of a user's pubsub subscriptions are stored.
> The user's server could track all their subscriptions, but this would be
> prone to errors and would necessitate their server understanding pubsub to
> some extent. Another way could be for individual pubsub services to
> provide this information, and to provide some kind of discovery method to
> find this out, but you would still have to find out which servers to query
> somehow.
> I'm really struggling to think how this could work.
> To do this with roster items would be reasonably trivial as the roster is
> only stored on one server, but pubsub is a whole different ball game! :)
> --
> Ash
> On 11/02/2013 13:24, "Sergey Dobrov" <> wrote:
>> I am trying to show that this list should be maintained by the server.
>> But probably this thing should not rely on PEP at all, it could be done
>> as separate "friend sharing" XEP.
>> The only thing subscription list for a pubsub node can be useful is to
>> see which users have subscribed to some topic, but I don't see any
>> urgency in this feature, we have many more important problems with
>> pubsub now.
>> On 02/11/2013 08:04 PM, Ashley Ward wrote:
>>> Then perhaps we could just go full circle back to where you started and
>>> have a simple xep which says something along the lines of
>>> -
>>> If an entity wishes to make pubsub subscriptions publicly available then
>>> the entity MAY publish them to a PEP node with the id
>>> 'urn:xmpp:pubsub:subscriptions'. The entity SHOULD ensure that this
>>> information is kept up to date.
>>> -
>>> ^ The point here is that the entity is deliberately publishing and
>>> synchronising this information (and can therefore selectively only
>>> publish
>>> subscriptions which should be public), rather than it just being
>>> automatically available.
>>> This is pretty much exactly what you originally suggested so I'm sorry
>>> for
>>> taking you round the houses! :)
>>> I was coming from the other angle where the server makes this
>>> information
>>> available on the entity's behalf (which makes everything far more
>>> complicated!).
>>> You still have the issue that the client needs to keep the subscriptions
>>> node in sync, but I don't think this should form part of the spec - it's
>>> up to the specific xmpp client as to how it manages this.
>>> :)
>>> --
>>> Ash
>>> On 11/02/2013 12:41, "Sergey Dobrov" <> wrote:
>>>> Obviously, the most simple way is to make application specific
>>>> extension
>>>> and forget about it... Until the moment another client will implement
>>>> it's own version of the same protocol (we should agree that the problem
>>>> is widespread enough). Then it will become a hell which can be
>>>> prevented
>>>> earlier than can be achieved this way, I think.
>>>> On 02/11/2013 07:19 PM, Ashley Ward wrote:
>>>>> On 11/02/2013 11:36, "Sergey Dobrov" <> wrote:
>>>>>> This fact will do this protocol even more complicated.
>>>>> I think this is the exact reason why it should be application
>>>>> specific.
>>>>> Trying to cover all the bases to make it general purpose would be
>>>>> extremely complicated. At the moment your home server doesn't track
>>>>> your
>>>>> remote subscriptions, and adding this alone would be somewhere between
>>>>> difficult and impossible. Add to that the access controls and I think
>>>>> it's
>>>>> a hugely complex. By making it specific to your application you can at
>>>>> least narrow down the functionality to what is required specifically
>>>>> for
>>>>> movim without having to add the extra complexity to make it more
>>>>> generally
>>>>> useful.
>>>>> This is similar to what buddycloud does. It makes a node available on
>>>>> your
>>>>> home channel server which contains a list of your subscriptions. This
>>>>> is
>>>>> relatively straightforward though as the buddycloud server implements
>>>>> the
>>>>> pubsub service directly as an xmpp component, meaning that the same
>>>>> code
>>>>> which serves the subscriptions node is also the single source of truth
>>>>> for
>>>>> your subscriptions.
>>>>> Movim (as far as I understand) is essentially an xmpp client and uses
>>>>> existing pubsub services, meaning that the client would have to
>>>>> manipulate
>>>>> the subscriptions node and ensure that everything remains in sync,
>>>>> making
>>>>> it more complex.
>>>>> Sharing roster information (rather than pubsub subscriptions) would at
>>>>> least be more manageable than sharing pubsub subscriptions from a
>>>>> technical point of view (since your home server actually does know who
>>>>> is
>>>>> on your roster), but I believe this isn't what you were originally
>>>>> asking.
>>>>> Just my €0.02!
>>>>> --
>>>>> Ash
>>>> -- 
>>>> With best regards,
>>>> Sergey Dobrov,
>>>> XMPP Developer and founder.
>> -- 
>> With best regards,
>> Sergey Dobrov,
>> XMPP Developer and founder.

With best regards,
Sergey Dobrov,
XMPP Developer and founder.

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