On Feb 15, 2013 3:10 PM, "Ashley Ward" <ashley.w...@surevine.com> wrote:
> On 15/02/2013 14:48, "Tim" <edhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >We are currently working on the XEP. Is there some comments to make on
> >this new structure ?
> Adding arbitrary attributes to the <item> element would either require
> namespacing them, or a change to the pubsub schema. Also the <item>
> element should contain a single child element, which is the "payload".
> I would suggest something like:
> <iq type='set' from='rainbowd...@mlp.net' id='sub123'>
>   <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'>
>     <publish node='urn:xmpp:pubsub:subscription'>
>       <item id="2SjNoqvGNLLXv+6w+4+mbEZ">
>         <subscription xmlns='urn:xmpp:pubsub:subscription:0'
> server='pubsub.etu.univ-nantes.fr' node='mlp'>
>           <title>My Little Pony - Fan Club</title>
>         </subscription>
>       </item>
>       ...
>     </publish>
>   </pubsub>
> </iq>

Yes, but jid and node, please. Might not be a server as such.

> So the <subscription> element becomes the item payload.
> This means that there are no changed required to the pubsub schema.
> --
> Ash

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