On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Spencer MacDonald <
spencer.macdonald.ot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think your under estimating the amount of messages somebody receives in
> an active chat, especially when some people tend to split their messages up
> like so:

I try not to talk to such people.

But seriously, while it could easily be that my patterns are different, my
message traffic is usually way lower than 3/min. I used to graph such
things, but based on simple counting it doesn't seem that high.

> Moreover if your mobile app has a Desktop counterpart you might end up
> being a participant in one or more group chats, like you said could end up
> generating a lot of traffic.
Right, being able to distinguish from important messages and background
traffic in a MUC environment is hard, of course, but possible - the clients
manage to identify the user's nickname in messages, for instance, so
therefore so could the server.

> Also (iOS specific again, sorry) your not allowed to use the background
> socket for "messages" anyway, thats what push notifications are for. Also
> the user is not informed in any way that the app has been killed so they
> wouldn't bother to relaunch it, thus not resuming the stream until the next
> time they want to send a message.
No, the user wouldn't be informed the app has been killed, but would see a
notification that a message is deliverable when offline.


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