Am 19.11.13 20:56, schrieb Philipp Hancke:
Having no federation at least doesn't introduce yet another
huge possibility for security problems and as long as you own the source
code and aren't forced to use anybody's specific offering it is highly
inadeguate to call such a software a silo.

In case others are not yet aware: #youbroketheinternet is not only
explicitly opposed to federation but not even interested in
interoperability with federated communication networks.

There is the hypothesis that any federated network tends to cluster
around a number of large nodes. E.g. for XMPP this would be gmail,, (applause to their efforts on making
themselves unreliable!), ...
Interdomain federation is hard, especially delivering the same user
experience as between users on the same domain.

I understand the rationale. I just don't agree with it.

I don't agree with it either.

What you end up having is silos that typically consist of proprietary technology with limited usability for the wider Internet user community.

The benefits of XMPP are interoperability, the open standards process, and the large number of XMPP providers you can choose from. If you don't like one located in the US then pick it from some other country. If don't like any of them setup your own.

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