Hello Sam,

On 31 Jul 2015, at 22:17, Sam Whited wrote:

On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 1:25 AM, Mickaël Rémond <mrem...@process-one.net> wrote:
I don't see any mention of headers in your document, except for
Content-MD5, (though it does cover the case where you can request a
file's GET url from the server).

ok, I think I missed you point there, then. Do you mean the information passed in the slot request on XMPP should pass generic extra values that can be use in header by XMPP server component, like Content-MD5 header ?

For example, slot request could be:

<iq type='set' id='upload1' to='domain.com'>
  <query xmlns='p1:http-file-transfer'>
   <header name='Content-MD5' value='qN48INKsmQyPMZkHs0DWog==' />

Is that what you mean ?

I'd like that, but I'm not sure if Daniel would :) I know he really
wants to keep it simple.

Yes, I understand that. That's why I am asking to not give the impression I am too pushy in another direction other that the original need :) Maybe I will just update my doc and try to adapt our implementation to another backend (Dropbox ?) and check if it adapts well.

I see generic headers as something that are
almost a requirement to make this useable though. Otherwise it only
works for the most simple cases (eg. small XMPP servers that want to
run their own simple storage).

I agree, we had the same needs to support HTTP storage backends. As long as you want to support large user base, the file storage is almost all the time a separate service.

Mickaël Rémond

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