XSF Council Minutes: 28 February 2017

Present: daniel, Tobias, Link Mauve, SamWhited, Dave Cridland
Minute taker: jcbrand

1). Clarify CSI and Carbons state after SM resumption

Tobias: Flow created PRs which clarify things and asked council to review.
Would be nice if people could do so.


Daniel asks where we are currently with the NS bump for carbons and whether
it's necessary.

Tobias mentions that he hasn't read through all the feedback yet.

Link Mauve mentions that a NS bump is required due to the removal of <private>.

Daniel says that some people want to keep <private>.

Dave Cridland says that Georg Lukas has decided to put together a PR
as a concrete proposal.


Dave Cridland says he's happy to have a namespace bump as long as implementors
follow up and don't stick on the old one. He therefore wants some feedback on
the above pull request.

SamWhited and Tobias say they'll read the proposal.

Daniel says he can live with a version bump but thinks only removing of
<private> doesn't make it worth it.

Link Mauve says that the rules definition from Georg also justify a namespace

Link Mauve suggests asking that #428 not bump the namespace, and to let
the editor bump it manually once all of the changes are gathered.

SamWhited says that he prefers that it bumps the namespace and he'll then merge
several other changes (if there are any) and then do a collective revision

Dave Cridland says he'd rather bump than risk incompatible deployments.

2) Georg opened an PR on MUC private messages, 

Tobias suggests that council members give it a review and to vote on it next
week so that there's time to incorporate a review feedback early on.

Link Mauve is +1 since it does solve the issue.

Dave Cridland thinks it needs some security considerations, in particular
around replacing/removing client-added <x/> stuff.

daniel says he's going to vote +1 for it.

3) Date of next meeting

Tobias: that would be 2017-03-08, 16:00 UTC

Everyone agrees.

4) Any other business

4.1) Dave Cridland wonders whether a GSoC provides an opportunity to create 
to help with complex bits of editor automation. Suggests a discussion between
the editors and Kev. He suggests pre-rendering of PRs.

SamWhited likes the idea of making such a project.

Tobias says we can make a "XSF" project on the GSoC ideas page but warns that
it must be enough to full a GSoC term.

SamWhited says there's plenty of stuff to keep a student busy.

4.2) SamWhited mentions that outstanding LCs end tomorrow again.

Tobias says he'll do some reading/voting later today.

Tobias bangs the gavel.

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