Thanks for doing these! Really appreciated.

On 28 February 2017 at 16:37, JC Brand <> wrote:
> XSF Council Minutes: 28 February 2017
> =====================================
> Present: daniel, Tobias, Link Mauve, SamWhited, Dave Cridland
> Minute taker: jcbrand
> 1). Clarify CSI and Carbons state after SM resumption
> Tobias: Flow created PRs which clarify things and asked council to review.
> Would be nice if people could do so.
> Daniel asks where we are currently with the NS bump for carbons and whether
> it's necessary.
> Tobias mentions that he hasn't read through all the feedback yet.
> Link Mauve mentions that a NS bump is required due to the removal of 
> <private>.
> Daniel says that some people want to keep <private>.
> Dave Cridland says that Georg Lukas has decided to put together a PR
> as a concrete proposal.
> Dave Cridland says he's happy to have a namespace bump as long as implementors
> follow up and don't stick on the old one. He therefore wants some feedback on
> the above pull request.
> SamWhited and Tobias say they'll read the proposal.
> Daniel says he can live with a version bump but thinks only removing of
> <private> doesn't make it worth it.
> Link Mauve says that the rules definition from Georg also justify a namespace
> bump.
> Link Mauve suggests asking that #428 not bump the namespace, and to let
> the editor bump it manually once all of the changes are gathered.
> SamWhited says that he prefers that it bumps the namespace and he'll then 
> merge
> several other changes (if there are any) and then do a collective revision
> bump.
> Dave Cridland says he'd rather bump than risk incompatible deployments.
> 2) Georg opened an PR on MUC private messages, 
> Tobias suggests that council members give it a review and to vote on it next
> week so that there's time to incorporate a review feedback early on.
> Link Mauve is +1 since it does solve the issue.
> Dave Cridland thinks it needs some security considerations, in particular
> around replacing/removing client-added <x/> stuff.
> daniel says he's going to vote +1 for it.
> 3) Date of next meeting
> Tobias: that would be 2017-03-08, 16:00 UTC
> Everyone agrees.
> 4) Any other business
> 4.1) Dave Cridland wonders whether a GSoC provides an opportunity to create 
> project
> to help with complex bits of editor automation. Suggests a discussion between
> the editors and Kev. He suggests pre-rendering of PRs.
> SamWhited likes the idea of making such a project.
> Tobias says we can make a "XSF" project on the GSoC ideas page but warns that
> it must be enough to full a GSoC term.
> SamWhited says there's plenty of stuff to keep a student busy.
> 4.2) SamWhited mentions that outstanding LCs end tomorrow again.
> Tobias says he'll do some reading/voting later today.
> Tobias bangs the gavel.
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