On 20.03.2017 23:31, Dave Cridland wrote:
> Ah, but Kev noted to me that this is using namespaced attributes.
> We have, traditionally, avoided these, on the basis that nobody (well,
> almost nobody) understands them.
> I don't think these are actually required here; a child element will
> work just as well. Can we do that instead?

While I am aware of the "problem" of prefixes, it was a deliberate
decision to use them in ISR-SASL2.

First, I don't think they introduce any interoperability issues here,
since their usage is negotiated by obtaining the ISR key, and they are
only used between the two immediate endpoints of the XMPP stream.
Secondly, I think it is more elegant to use the them in this particular
case. I also was unsure if *not* using them, i.e., putting a child
element within XEP-0198's <enabled/>, would violate XEP-0198's schema
(although I think it does not).

I'd like to continue using them for ISR-SASL2 because I don't think they
cause any issues.

- Florian

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