On 15 October 2017 at 11:22, Kevin Smith <kevin.sm...@isode.com> wrote:
> On 15 Oct 2017, at 10:03, Dave Cridland <d...@cridland.net> wrote:
>> I'm just polling for interest; I said I'd write this up properly
>> elsewhere, but is there interest in the following:
> Yes

Jolly good. I'll XEPerize this on various trains later.

>> A Snippet is a small item of content. It is normally referenced within
>> a chatroom or 1:1 chat. I'm only going to define use in MUC;
> Any particular reason? Use elsewhere should be identical, AFAICS.

A single pubsub node can be configured (more or less) with the same
ACL as the chatroom. A MIX channel can use its own Pubsub nodes. A 1:1
chat could use a public spot, or PEP, or ...  generally, the ACL
situation seems different.

I think we can adapt, but MUC seems like the low hanging fruit, and
also happens to satisfy a particular use-case I have.

> The approach sounds sane at first glance. We presumably need to define what 
> sort of XHTML this is, and whether that’s a good idea for *non* web-based 
> clients.

I'm pretty much thinking it's anything goes. In principle, one could
put HTML directly in (base64 encoded into a data URI - yuk, but

I suspect that if we specifically call out that even Javascript is
allowed here, and that this is not a "message", and people can feel
free to display this purely as a link to download, then we might make
the path of least resistance not be quite so fraught with danger.

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