On 16 Oct 2017, at 09:58, Dave Cridland <d...@cridland.net> wrote:
> On 15 October 2017 at 11:22, Kevin Smith <kevin.sm...@isode.com> wrote:
>> On 15 Oct 2017, at 10:03, Dave Cridland <d...@cridland.net> wrote:
>>> I'm just polling for interest; I said I'd write this up properly
>>> elsewhere, but is there interest in the following:
>> Yes
> Jolly good. I'll XEPerize this on various trains later.


>>> A Snippet is a small item of content. It is normally referenced within
>>> a chatroom or 1:1 chat. I'm only going to define use in MUC;
>> Any particular reason? Use elsewhere should be identical, AFAICS.
> A single pubsub node can be configured (more or less) with the same
> ACL as the chatroom. A MIX channel can use its own Pubsub nodes. A 1:1
> chat could use a public spot, or PEP, or ...  generally, the ACL
> situation seems different.

I think for 1:1 you use personal pubsub, with a whitelist of only the person 
you’re directing to.

> I think we can adapt, but MUC seems like the low hanging fruit, and
> also happens to satisfy a particular use-case I have.

Sure, starting with the easier stuff seems fine.

>> The approach sounds sane at first glance. We presumably need to define what 
>> sort of XHTML this is, and whether that’s a good idea for *non* web-based 
>> clients.
> I'm pretty much thinking it's anything goes. In principle, one could
> put HTML directly in (base64 encoded into a data URI - yuk, but
> possible).
> I suspect that if we specifically call out that even Javascript is
> allowed here, and that this is not a "message", and people can feel
> free to display this purely as a link to download, then we might make
> the path of least resistance not be quite so fraught with danger.

It’s certainly the path of least resistance for web clients. I’m somewhat 
concerned that
a) “anything goes” means you can have essentially no reliable interoperability 
- potentially even between the same client, if it happens to be running in a 
different browser.
b) while low-resistance to browser clients, it leaves desktop/mobile clients 
(or at least those clients not prepared to render in a webview) out in the 
cold, and this doesn’t fill me with good feelings.

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