Title: P1619.1: NIST publishes draft standard for GCM mode (SP 800-38D)

Hi Everyone,

I just discovered that Morris Dworkin has recently published a NIST draft standard for GCM!  Here's a link to the draft:


(Please mail any comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The comment period ends on June 5th, 2006, so don't wait too long.)

I plan to update the GCM reference in the next P1619.1 draft to use SP 800-38D instead of the GCM proposal, if that sounds good to everyone.

I just looked through SP 800-38D, and noticed a couple interesting points:

- The 'recommended' tag length (T) is 96 bits, although the standard allows 128 bits.  (I remember that the workgroup was thinking NIST would require the full 128 bits...).  I bet this was intended for IPSec.
- The Galois multiplier uses 'little endian' bit order.  I forget off-hand whether this is the same as the original GCM proposal, but I can double-check.
- There is more description of the 'GMAC' mode.
- There is a section on 'Protection Against Replay of Messages'.  This is more for IPSec, but it still applies somewhat to encryption of data on media.
- No test vectors!  All the other SP 800-38 documents have test vectors.

Does anyone else have thoughts?  I'll read through this more thoroughly later this week to see if we need to make any functional changes.


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