I am now testing nightly and sample wars for what it's worth.

All wars work (once over lightly).
Somone did a nice job on localizing validation war.
bP works (which uses jstl 1.1, struts menu 2.1, etc.)

-Validation example complains in console about <formset not terminated at end of file in validation.xml, and that tag it's not terminated.
-I wish most excetions were logged w/ e.getCuase() and not the entire trace to fill up the console.
-Also Tomcat complains about formbeans not implementing seriaizable marker for sesion scoped beans. (My baseBens does mark it as seriazable... it's not. To me, that is a Tomcat bug, it should just be a low level info log, becuase Resin does not care. Serializing beans for fail over in container is not a good idea imo, DAO's can do it nicer outside of the container's limitation)

So one minor error, <formset in valdation example


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