> Just a few things:

* What about the new Apache license? Technically, it doesn't need to change if we release before March 1st, but we're mighty close to that, so
> perhaps we should switch now?

+1 from me too; wasn't someone offering to do it a few weeks ago?

At this point I don't see any reason to ever build against commons
nightlies unless we're using some unreleased feature.

+1 on this as a baseline -- only depend on nightlies where necessary, not as a matter of course.

> Several of the Commons components
 depend on have released since we last did, so we may want to update the
 versions in our dependency list.

Collections is a particularly ugly situation. Do we upgrade to 3.0 and break existing Struts apps requiring 2.x? Or, do we stay at 2.x and break apps needing 3.0?

I missed the details of this Collections change and its incompatibility, but I don't see why we'd upgrade to 3.0 unless we need it: same as with nightlies. Are there bugfixes rolled into 3 along with the incompatibilities? I'd say we either make a collections-2 branch that has bugfixes but maintains compatibility, or pull what we need back into Struts. Without knowing the details, it sounds like a serious mistake/judgment error was made in releasing 3.0, but we shouldn't subject all Struts users to the consequences.

> * The Cactus tests won't run for me, for some reason. When I start the
 tests, everything looks fine as it starts up, but then it just sits
 doing nothing. They used to work, but I can't recall what I might have
 changed to break it. Anyone have any ideas? Obviously, I don't want to
> create a release and not be able to run the tests!

I was able to run the ant/Tomcat 4.0 tests up to the point where they always fail for me:
org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.TestCookieTag.testCookieTagNameMultiple -- I have to assume this is some kind of local configuration problem, but I'm not hanging. One day I hope to have time to figure out the problem, but I'm far from a Cactus expert.

(Has anyone tried running the Struts cactus tests with Maven? I had gotten it to the point where most of the tests passed, and the ones that didn't I suspected were similar to my Ant/Cactus failures -- something local, not something in the code.)


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://blog.germuska.com "Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining."
-- Jef Raskin

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