On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Joe Germuska wrote:

> At 9:38 AM -0500 12/22/03, Robert Leland wrote:
> >I believe Joe said though all unit test ran they **didn't** all
> >pass, I believe it was like 66%
> >passed.
> Hi, all...  I've been at my in-laws for the holidays and have
> intermittent net access.
> I turned out my major ant/cactus problem was that Ant was using JUnit
> 3.7 and many of the tests use a version of assertEquals that was
> added in 3.8; the error messages weren't making it really clear, but
> a little sleuthing turned it up.  So yesterday using Ant I was
> passing all but the testMultiple method in TestCookieTag -- one out
> of nearly 2000 methods.  I'm running the tests again based on today's
> CVS Head, although I'm pretty sure it was only docs that have changed
> since my last update.

A while back, I committed some changes to exclude 3 particular tests from
the suite because of the (still unresolved) issues with the cactus wrapper
class(es) or out configuration of them (still don't know which is the

>From Ant, the tests are passing (100%) on both of my Linux boxes
(Mandrake and Redhat), but I'm having issues with my laptop (XP Pro).

Anyway, just thought I'd throw in my $.02.  Have a great

> Since I didn't make any changes to the class tested by that failure,
> I'm going to take this as the threshold and soon, I'll start checking
> in my changes to run tests under maven -- although not right this
> minute, and I'm not sure I'll do it until I get back home over the
> weekend; we'll see how things go.
> Running the tests under Maven was better than 66%; it was nearly 80%
> of classes passing cleanly, and only scattered methods through the
> others which have to do with cookies -- that consistency makes me
> pretty sure it's a config problem.
> Happy holidays to everyone; I'll be online again before I get back
> home, but only intermittently.
> Joe

James Mitchell
Software Developer / Struts Evangelist

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