Jon Wall wrote:
> Do you want Struts to be a framework for building just
> mass-market web sites (portals, ecommerce, etc)??

It's my personal feeling that we are providing the tag extensions as a
convenience, and that they are ancilliary to the actual framework. I
think this will become more evident as other presentation systems, like
Velocity, come to support Struts.

With the rise of Jakarta Taglibs and the JSPTL, there are fewer and
fewer reasons for us to host our own tag extensions. Something that is
forefront in my mind right now, is that we should continue to stay the
course on the extensions during this transitional period. 

As it stands, any tag you might want to use can easily be created using
bean:write or html:write, and the best thing to do might be for us
(meaning me) to better document those techniques.

And, as it stands, there is nothing to prevent people from using their
own tag extensions with Struts. I think as team we encourage that idea
whenever we can. If someone wanted to create and maintain their a set of
tag extensions, that supported non-standard attributes, we'd be happy to
link to those from the Resource page. But someone else will have to
accept that burden.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

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