good discussion, everyone ...

I've been thinking about this a little more and I'm going to backtrack a
little bit.... We will very likely be running into this same problem when
XHTML 2.0 comes out.  XHTML 2.0 will NOT be backwards compatible with XHTML
1.1 (For more on this, see the W3C site or various XHTML lists ... i don't
think we want to get into it here... =)  ).

At the point of XHTML 2.0, we obviously won't want to make everything XHTML
2.0 compliant ONLY.

Perhaps we can have some global setting that defines the DOCTYPE you want to
use:  XHTML 1.0 Strict, HTML 3.2, HTML 4.01 Transitional, etc.

All tags could then know internally whether or not they support the
specified DOCTYPE, and output the appropriate HTML.

For example, we know that in HTML 3.2, forms have a "name" attribute, but in
XHTML, they have an "id" attribute.  Struts would output whichever was
specified...  We also know that all HTML versions will support <br />, so we
can always output that.

To start, we can pick what Struts already supports, which I would guess is
HTML 4.01 Transitional.  If someone wants to support a "lower" version, they
can build it in.

Obviosuly i'm not proposing this for the 1.1 release, as it requires a lot
more thought & discussion

This would definately futureproof Struts and not tie it in to any particular
version.  Also, it would allow a struts developer to say .. "Well, all my
customers are using current User-Agents now, so let me upgrade my site to
XHTML1.0"  They can do it at a flip of a switch.

Does anyone think this is ridiculous/feasible/useful?  Is this overkill?

- Nayan Hajratwala
- Chikli Consulting LLC

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:craigmcc@;]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 2:58 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: HTML, XML, XHTML and <html:html>

On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, David Graham wrote:

> Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:19:57 -0600
> From: David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: HTML, XML, XHTML and <html:html>
> AFAIK, the only change is the closing / added to struts input tags.  All
> browsers support this for reasons mentioned previously.
> I guess I just don't see how this is a serious change and how existing
> behavior would change.  In my experience, over 95% of clients use Netscape
> 4.x+ or IE which both support this grammar.  Many other people use Opera
> which also supports this.

You seem awfully confident that you know what client devices and programs
are being used by all Struts apps :-).  It also goes totally against the
grain of how Struts enhancements have always been implemented -- leave the
default behavior the same as the previous version, and enable the new
feature with a parameter of some sort.

Let me say this more clearly:

-1 on unconditionally changing the output to emit the "/".

+0 on making this behavior dependent on xhtml="true" in the
   outermost <html:html> tag.

> Dave


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