I updated the B3 plan to reflect the current status.

Since this has been a shorter iteration, the tag date may be less of an issue. Personally, I wouldn't set a tag date until the remaining tickets are resolved,


and then only 72 hours in advance (to coicide with the end of the vote).

One sticky wicket is #15451

Apparently, we need to make a change to the Commons BeanUtils here. Is this on someone's list?

When the (going, going, gone) list is cleared, if we honestly believe that "this is it", then tagging it RC1 would be fine with mine. But, as a point of order, we do need to meet the objective criteria for a Final Release before cutting a Release Candidate (as stated on the Release Plan). The grunt work in Bugzilla is done, and we can now see the trees, despite the forest. =:0)

I'll try to slip in an update of the News and Resource areas so that they are current, but that's it for me.


(Martin, if you ever do some work on outlining the release process, I've started some notes for a Release Manager Guide, based on what people have mentioned from time time: <http://jakarta.apache.org/site/guides>

Of course, a document like this should be migrated to incubator, at some point.)

Martin Cooper wrote:
On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

I'm sure that as soon as the eight remaining issues are duly cleared,
Martin would be happy to a cut a beta 4.

Well, my preference would be to call it RC1 at that point, since we really
expect it to be the release unless anything drastic shows up. But yes, I'm
game to do the RM thing.

If we're going for RC1 (or B4, I suppose, if people feel insecure about
RC1), I'd like us to agree on a tag date *before* I post a release plan
this time. ;-) Unfortunately, due to "day job" work at this time, I'm not
going to have much time to help kill the remaining bugs, and the tag and
build will have to happen over a weekend. So should it be next weekend,
the weekend after that, or when?

Martin Cooper


If that looks good, any of us could then suggest converting the beta 4
to a release candidate or even the final release. (And I would favor the


James Turner wrote:

From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 5:19 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Declare Struts 1.1b3 as Struts 1.1 RC1

So, I'd say lets cut to the chase. Do B4, and if it's good,
let's just
go with it. If the fence sitters come up with anything once
final ships,
we go with an early Struts 1.1.1. Let's get the momentum up,
and trust
ourselves to do the right thing when the time comes.


Fine with me either way.  I just wanna ship da puppy. You wanna run the
vote? :-) I'm looking at 15044 as we speak.


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