At 4:49 PM -0500 2003/01/24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > I still haven't really absorbed the rationale for this, and my
 difficulty in answering some of your questions make me willing to
 step up and say so.

 Maybe it would help if we could frame the goal of the project, in
 terms of more than "wouldn't it be cool?"
How about:

 > My understanding is that people would like to be able to use Struts
 as a single controller, with multiple "views" -- a web services view
 as well as more familiar browser views.  If this is the case, then it
 seems that it would make sense to integrate Struts and Axis into a
 single web application.
Assuming that you meant "Joe, you answered your own question," I should clarify -- I accept the idea that struts might be a handy single controller for browser views and web-service views.

My question was "what's the rationale for deploying Struts and Axis in separate web applications." It seems to me like it adds complexity and overhead in trade for a flexibility which may not be all that necessary. If you needed Struts to be in a separate web app from Axis, then in that case I would just use Axis to generate stubs from WSDL and use the stubs in Struts (or below it in the model layer) to talk to Axis.


Joe Germuska | "Big corporations here now believe we will have war.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Believe all would welcome it as relief to suspense." | telegram to President McKinley, 25 March 1898

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