Missed an important one, and it's a problem child as well.

commons-logging -- The current release is 1.0.2, but we are compile-time
dependent on a bugfix in the HEAD branch.  This will need a release as


On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

> Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 09:59:43 -0800 (PST)
> From: Craig R. McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Dependent Packages in Struts 1.1
> As the topic comes up regularly, it strikes me that we haven't had any
> formal discussions or decisions on what versions of our dependent packages
> to include in Struts 1.1 final.  Most of them are probably
> non-controversial, but there are a couple of interesting cases.  Let's
> talk about the whole list on this mail thread.
> Martin, could you make sure that the release notes include the final
> version list we come up with?  Thanks in advance.
> commons-beanutils -- Version 1.6.1 was just posted, and contains a
> critical bugfix for BeanUtils.setProperty().
> commons-collections -- The framework's dependency on this library is
> pretty lightweight -- I suggest we go with the latest public release (2.1)
> commons-dbcp -- There have been some bugfixes since the original 1.0
> release; let's work on getting an update release of this out the door.
> commons-digester -- A bugfix release (1.4.1) is just in the final stages
> of being released.  That's the one we want.
> commons-fileupload -- Martin just published a beta of this.  By our
> standard rules, we'll need a final release before we can really use it.
> commons-lang -- We inherit dependencies on this one -- the latest public
> release (1.0.1) seems fine.
> commons-pool -- Same situation as commons-dbcp.
> commons-resources -- Since we decided to defer our conversion, I suggest
> we omit this library from Struts 1.1 final.  That avoids the hassles
> related to the fact that resources is still in the sandbox.
> commons-validator -- As far as I can tell, the current public release
> (1.0.1) is fine.  Are there any bugfixes we need to pick up in a 1.0.2?
> jakarta-oro -- The latest public release (2.0.7) is stable and seems to
> fit the bill.
> Everything else comes from within our own workspace, and I'm assuming
> we're going to use essentially the current HEAD branch plus critical bug
> fixes, and continue our plan to package struts-el in the "contrib"
> directory as we do today.
> Craig
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