On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Christopher Bare wrote:

> Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 13:02:51 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Christopher Bare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: request for feedback on proposed parameter tag
> Is there any interest in a ParameterTag that would
> allow parameters to be added to the URL generated by
> LinkTag? Something that would allow you to do create
> links like so:
> <ul>
> <logic:iterate id="product" name="product-list">
> <li><html:link page="/myaction.do">
>         <html:parameter id="id" name="product"
> property="id"/>
>         <html:parameter id="category" name="product"
> property="category"/>
>         <bean:write name="product" property="name"/>
>     </html:link>
> </logic:iterate>
> </ul>
> -or-
> <html:link page="/myaction.do"
>   <html:parameter id="param1" name="mybean"
> property="myproperty"/>
>   <html:parameter id="param2" name="mybean"
> property="myotherproperty"/>
>   <html:parameter id="param3" value="literal-value"/>
>   Link Display Text
> </html:link>
> -or even-
> <html:link>
>   <html:parameter
> id="wombatId"><foo:wombat/></html:parameter>
>   Go to a Wombat
> </html:link>
> This would give you the ability to append an arbitrary
> number of parameters to a URL while remaining purely
> tag based. Also, you can specify the value of the
> parameter using an application specific custom tag,
> such as my wombat tag above.

I think this is the sort of incremental improvement in existing technology
that would make sense in a 1.x time frame.

> It is kind-of verbose, and requires some
> re-arrangement of LinkTag, but no code changes
> otherwise.
> Does this seem worthwhile? Is it not very useful in
> light of JSTL? Speaking of that, are the struts tags
> going to be deprecated at some point? Any feedback
> would be appreciated.

Because <html:link> does some things that <c:url> does not, it probably
makes sense to do this.

> Thanks,
> -Chris
> p.s. Thanks for making an extremely useful framework
> available and popular.


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