Absolutely, there is interest.

Being able to specify requests parameters without
needing to create a map would be a wonderful thing.
Every developer that I have introduced to Struts
requests this very same thing.

Instead of instructing developers to use a non-standard
map creation tag (as Martin suggested), or introducing a
JSTL dependency (as David suggested), why not make this
minor enhancement and make the existing <html:link> tag
easier to use?

Struts newbies everywhere will be thanking you (by complaining
about other Struts shortcomings rather than this one).

- Dave

David Graham wrote:
The JSTL already provides this functionality and the current Struts
workarounds seem fine to me.  Instead of duplicating standard tags in
Struts we could subclass <c:url> to allow looking up Struts actions and
other relevant functionality <html:link> provides.


--- Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Has anyone done anything about this:

Chris Bare wrote:

Is there any interest in a ParameterTag that would
allow parameters to be added to the URL generated by
LinkTag? Something that would allow you to do create
links like so:

(from 2003-07-03, see http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=struts-dev&m=105726259312808&w=2)

Craig indicated that he thought it made sense http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=struts-dev&m=105726389314243&w=2

This issue has come up twice this morning with developers here. I'm just wondering if anyone has actually written the code (Chris?)

Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://blog.germuska.com "If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time." --Jaron Lanier

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