You still wouldn't see any performance hit as since you aren't using any
action mappings with wildcards, there would be no pattern matching.  It
can only match a URI against a compiled pattern if one or more action
mappings use wildcards.  If there are no compiled patterns, the method
will simply exit and your default action will be matched.

Now, this also would be a good example of an app that could use wildcards.
 You could match the id's and stick them in the parameter of the action
mapping to retrieve in the action.  I currently use wildcards in my Struts
app that exposes REST-style web services where everything is encoded in
the URI.  The wildcard matching code is very fast as the patterns are
pre-compiled and since the code comes stright from Cocoon who has been
using it for quite a while, it has stood the test of time.


> Well, it indeed looks pretty unlikely at first glance. Still, we are
> doing exactly this...
> We have built a Content Managment System (it's called XIST4C) that is
> based on Struts. Each normal content page (i. e. each page that is not
> part of an application integrated in the system) is served by a single
> action called DisplayAction, which is the default action. The different
> content pages are distinguished by ids. In order to be as search engine
> friendly as possible, we are encoding these ids in the url instead of
> appending them as query parameters.
> Thus, a typical url looks like this:
> I would like to be able to turn off this pattern matching feature, as
> performance is a very critical issue for a CMS.
> --- Matthias
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