> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter A. Pilgrim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


> Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> > On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>So we could have convenience methods such as
> >>
> >>StrutsWebContext  scontext = (StrutsWebContext)context;
> >>// Where ``StrutsWebContext'' is a type of ``ServletWebContext''
> >>
> >>ActionForm form = scontext.getActionForm();
> >>ActionMapping mapping = scontext.getActionMapping();
> > 
> > 
> > If we're talking about a Struts2 world (where we're willing 
> to reconsider
> > the calling sequence of an Action anyway), wouldn't it be 
> better to make
> > StrutsWebContext just extend WebContext instead of 
> ServletWebContext?
> > That way we could have transparent support for servlets and 
> portlets.
> > 
> So instead you would make convenience method from WebContext instead
> I see the `WebContext.getRequestScope()' returns a mutable map of
> attribute values. In other words they are derived from
> `ServletRequest.getAttributeNames()'.
> But looking at the current Struts 1.1 library would you for 
> compatibility
> reason also supply the `HttpServletRequest' object to Struts users?
> HttpServletRequest  = StrutsWebContext.getRequest(); // 
> convenience method
> and like wise `HttpServletResponse' object?
> > 
> >>>Another import idea is that, if we wanted, we could also 
> add other other
> >>>convenience methods to the context without breaking the signature.
> >>>
> >>
> My question above.
> >>And presumably we [as application developer] will be able 
> to subclass
> >>the ServletWebContext and add application features like 
> Single Sign-On
> >>/ Security / personalisation etcetera. We will be able to configure
> >>Struts Module to use our custom `Context' instead of the Struts
> >>default context.
> >>
> >>Yep this is looking sexy.
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > Yep ... lots of interesting room for playing around here.  
> To say nothing
> > of the fact that you can compose your own request processor 
> pipeline to
> > boot.
> > 
> Moving swiftly back to the original design reason. The [old] 
> request processor
> is now effectively a `Chain' isn't it?
> ( ... I will now continue this note at work )
> -- 
> Peter Pilgrim
>             __ _____ _____ _____
>            / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
>           / /___/ // /__ / /__     +  Struts
>          / // ___// ___// ___/     +  Expresso Committer
>       __/ // /__ / /__ / /__       +  Independent Contractor
>      /___//____//____//____/       +  Intrinsic Motivation
> On Line Resume
>     ||
>     \\===>  `` http://www.xenonsoft.demon.co.uk/no-it-striker.html ''

In the excitment I got caught up the discussion about customised 
action forward, whereas the original design intention got chucked
to the side, namely a ``composable request processor''. So let
me spend some time discussing this:

Now I am at work. I said `RequestProcessor' currently could be
rewritten as a `Chain', because it aggregates a many `Command's.
But I am wondering about that statement. It would be seem
to me `RequestProcessor' is a very complex `Command' 

Going back to the original "Decomposable request Processor" thread
there were at least two concerns:

1) How delegate or nest processors so that they do the right thing.

2) Deciding which methods of the current processor should be decomposed.

3) Configuring the chain of processor from XML.

Delegation: I believe would be like Servlet Filters as they are implemented
now. If we have servlet filters A and B , then we know that if filter A 
chained to filter B. The final effect is not necessarily equal to B 
followed A.

Methods: In the current request processor there is one method
`process()' which has a default implementation:

   public void process(HttpServletRequest request,
                        HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException

This method calls other ``process*'' methods.

        processLocale(request, response);


        processPreprocess(request, response);

        ActionMapping mapping = processMapping(request, response, path);


        ActionForm form = processActionForm(request, response, mapping);
        processPopulate(request, response, form, mapping);


        Action action = processActionCreate(request, response, mapping);

        ActionForward forward =
            processActionPerform(request, response,
                                 action, form, mapping);

My question is if we make `RequestProcessor' a common-chain `Command'
then do then in turn make it call other `Command' in order to emulate
all the `process*()' calls. For example

        // RequestProcessor implemented as complex `Command'
        // Assuming we get a web context from somewhere, 
        StrutWebContext sc = ... ; 

        processPreprocessCommand.execute( sc );


        ActionForm form = (Action)


        processActionCreate.execute( sc ); 
        Action action = (Action)

        processActionCreate.execute( sc ); 
        ActionForward forward = (Action)

Is this anything like what you had in mind, Craig? Because it 
looks to me a bit untidy, but the request processor has effectively
been decomposed into commands.

The problem for me is building the new request processor, complex
command. what would the API look like?

        DefaultComplexProcessor dcp = ... ; // Our new request processor

Suppose I want to intercept the process of creating a new ``Action''
instance. If we write accessor method to expose the ``Chain'' that 
is responsibe for creating an action, such as this:

        Chain oneChain =dcp.getProcessActionCreateChain();
then I could add my custom interceptor

        oneChain.addCommand( new ExpressoProcessActionCreateCommand() );

Is this speculation or truth? Am I on the right track or do you
have something else in mind.


Peter Pilgrim,
Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
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