I may have got the wrong end of the stick, but doesn't Struts overlap to
some degree with JavaServer Faces and wasn't there talk of perhaps Struts
evolving to be a implementation of JavaServer Faces?

Is this way off base or is this one possible direction for Struts2?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: Where is Struts 2 going?

> Personally, I'd like to start the work on 2.x by defining the use-cases
> or stories that we'd like the framework to realize. Ideally, we should
> be able to trace each feature back to its use-case. Then, I'd suggest we
> build the framework up, story by story, test by test.
> Here's some early work along those lines:
> http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?StrutsUseCases
> Of all possible *features*, the one I would emphasize the most is
> testability.
> The second, which is a corollary to the first, would be decoupling the
> core framework from http, while allowing direct access to the underlying
> protocol when needed.
> Though, if we base the core around Commons Chain of Responsibility, both
> should follow naturally.
>  > "If every controller function can be done in Faces or
>  > other frameworks, what do we gain by using Struts 2?"
>  >
>  > "Using Struts 2, our applications can cruise across
>  > modules built from different vendors or teams. And
>  > we could also develop modules for others."
>  >
>  > Could we realize this dream? I know there are many
>  > challenging problems there. Could we think about it
>  > in terms of defining characteristics of Struts 2?
> Personally, I'm uncomfortable defining an open source product in these
> terms. We're not a retail product looking for a market. We're a
> community of developers building the everyday tools we each need to use.
> If the Java platform did ship with everything everyone needed, then it's
> true that we'd have nothing to do here, and we could all focus on our
> paying jobs. <hurrah!/>
> But it is unlikely that such a day will ever come <sigh/>. In all
> likelihood, there are always going to be vacuums for open source to fill.
> If people need Struts to be an integrator, then people will contribute
> integration code. Of course, that's already true. Stxx integrates Struts
> with XLST. The Velocity Tools integrate Struts with Velocity. Some of
> Don's packages integrate Struts with Cocoon and BSF. And so on. But
> people didn't do this because we put it on a whiteboard. People did this
> because it is functionality they needed to do their jobs.
> IMHO, the role of the Struts Committers is to ensure that generally
> accepted best practices are followed, so that the codebase remains easy
> to maintain and improve. For new development, especially, that means
> using techniques like test-driven development and technologies like
> Maven and IDEs that help us write cleaner code. For frameworks, it also
> means using patterns like Context and Chain of Responsibility to loosen
> coupling. But as to where the specifics of development take us, IMHO, it
> should be "from each according to their need".
>  > Now we have the Struts chain. I like the ideas of the chain.
> Amen to that brother. =:0) But, it's not *Struts* chain -- it's the
> *Commons* Chain. The true power of this package is that it gives us
> common ground upon with to build *business layer* frameworks. Right now,
> many of us are abusing Actions because Strut is the only controller
> framework we got. :(
> But Chain is opening the door to another framework -- one that lives
> below Struts and manages all that nasty business logic -- the way Struts
> (and friends) now helps us with all the nasty presentation logic. :)
> -Ted.
> Jing Zhou wrote:
> > I believe this topic has been discussed hundreds of times
> > in different subjects. One of important tasks for a new
> > version is to identify concept leaps. This is the place I
> > would like to entertain your brain - hope everyone to have
> > a brainstorm on what are really the innovative ideas to be
> > built in Struts 2.
> >
> > To start, let's review what the innovative ideas are in
> > Struts 1.0. Struts is called a MVC framework. But that
> > is not enough, actually there are many other frameworks also
> > called MVC ones. What made Struts unique at its early
> > time is its defining characteristics between form beans and
> > web forms. They are symmetrical entities.
> >
> > In Struts 1.1, another concept leap is introduced, we
> > called it application module. With this concept,
> > the developments of Struts applications scale up. There
> > are some other concept leaps, someone could add more.
> > Struts 1.0/1.1 is recognized as a Controller in general.
> >
> > Now we have the Struts chain. I like the ideas of the chain.
> > In particular, I see the possibility we could transform
> > the Controller into an Integrator based on the chain
> > and the application module.
> >
> > Integrator is a higher concept than Controller in my
> > opinion. Struts 2, as an Integrator, should be able to
> > 1) Integrate faces components from different vendors.
> > 2) Integrate other non-faces component easily, including
> >    existing 1.x tag libraries.
> > 3) Integrate expression engines from different vendors.
> > 4) We could add more... (like portlets)
> >
> > The general expectation I have with the Integrator is
> > that application flows can smoothly move around modules
> > while underlying module-wide settings for a particular
> > vendor, say a PropertyResolver in one faces module,
> > can be switched to a different PropertyResolver in
> > another module (Expression engines can be switched
> > too).
> >
> > This is a whiteboard idea. I like to see the idea to be
> > unfolded. One of reasons is that a Struts user may be
> > asked by his/her boss in the future
> > "If every controller function can be done in Faces or
> > other frameworks, what do we gain by using Struts 2?"
> >
> > "Using Struts 2, our applications can cruise across
> > modules built from different vendors or teams. And
> > we could also develop modules for others."
> >
> > Could we realize this dream? I know there are many
> > challenging problems there. Could we think about it
> > in terms of defining characteristics of Struts 2?
> >
> > Jing
> > Netspread Carrier
> > http://www.netspread.com
> -- 
> Ted Husted,
>    Junit in Action  - <http://www.manning.com/massol/>,
>    Struts in Action - <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>,
>    JSP Site Design  - <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=1861005512>.
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