On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

> Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 17:12:51 -0400
> From: Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Where is Struts 2 going?
> > On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Niall Pemberton wrote:
> >>I may have got the wrong end of the stick, but doesn't Struts overlap to
> >>some degree with JavaServer Faces and wasn't there talk of perhaps Struts
> >>evolving to be a implementation of JavaServer Faces?
> Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> > That's certainly a possibile evolution (or perhaps even a subproject), if
> > enough developers are interested.  Thanks in large part to Apache's
> > advocacy and influence, the JCP process has been modified so that we
> > (Apache) can even qualify for the certification scholarship (for
> > nonprofits) and access to the TCKs and certify that our application is
> > compliant.
> >
> > If we were to do that, it wouldn't be the *reference* implementation, of
> > course, but it would certainly be an Apache-licensed open source
> > implementation.
> Personally, I would suggest that if people were interested in an Apache
> implementation of JavaServer Faces, that it begin in the Jakarta
> Commons.

There's an issue of scale here, which makes Commons IMHO not a good place
for a JavaServer Faces implementation.  The current RI is roughly the same
size as the current Struts Core + Taglibs, and indeed has a roughly
similar scope of applicability.  This is a very different sized thing than
something like BeanUtils or Resources or Digester.

There's a precendent with Jelly, who used commons-sandbox as an incubator
but then chose to graduate to Commons Proper instead of a separate
project.  IMHO, this was a mistake that has held back developing a larger

> Many Java frameworks now support JSP and will certainly want to
> support JSF in the future. [Of course, for Struts, the future is now,
> since we already have a JSF taglib ready to rock. =:0)]
> By exposing "Jakarta Faces" at the highest possible level, the greatest
> number of projects and teams will consider using the product and joining
> its community.

There are at least four rational ways that such a thing could be created
within Apache organizationally:

* As a "side project" of the Struts subproject of Jakarta.
  This is not ideal (because by itself it's roughly the same
  size, and will need some focused development, and would need
  more visiblity to attract additional developers).

* Morph Struts itself into being "Jakarta Faces plus other stuff".
  Since we're willing to look at breaking backwards compatibility
  in Struts 2.0, this is a viable technical option, but may
  be too narrow a basis if we really want to grow beyond the
  presentation tier.

* As a completely new and separate project, commissioned through
  the Apache incubator process, with an ultimate destination of
  either Jakarta (as a subproject parallel to Struts) or as a
  completely separate "Apache Faces" project with its own PMC (like Ant,
  Avalon, and James).

* Graduate Struts into a top-level Apache project with some sort
  of charter around frameworks/tools for web applications, and
  commission "Struts Faces" as one of the subprojects, which would
  become parallel to other subprojects created by splitting
  our current Struts work into at least two pieces (core framework
  and taglibs).

If there are enough interesting things to do in the "frameworks/tools for
web applications" space (and I believe there are), the last option would
be pretty interesting.  Also intersting would be the discussions with the
Tapestry and Turbine folks on combining forces on at least some of the
common technologies (i.e. the types of things that have often become
Jakarta Commons projects in the past), and perhaps on more fundamental
combination of efforts.

> In this way "Jakarta Faces" could focus on being a "by the book"
> implementation of JSF. Meanwhile frameworks like Struts could offer
> (yet to be determined) "value add" features that go beyond the formal
> specification. "Jakarta Faces" might not be the reference
> implementation, but that doesn't mean we can't treat it like one =:0)

<side-note>It's been quite interesting to watch how the term "reference
implementation" has been morphed from a pejorative complaint several years
ago -- an implied "it's *only* the reference implementation" -- into a
perception of high quality :-)</side-note>

Under any organizational arrangement, we would definitely want to separate
the "by the book" implementation from Struts-provided value adds.  Among
other reasons, it is possible/likely that a JavaServer Faces
implementation might become a requirement for J2EE > 1.4, where it would
be built in to the container rather than needing to be carried along with
your webapp.  We'd want our value add stuff to work seamlessly in such an
environment, without our own "by the book" JavaServer Faces implementation

Fortunately, the architecture of JavaServer Faces makes this sort of
separation very easy to maintain, as long as we think about it from the

> IMHO, the true value of Struts has been the way it helps people "put the
> pieces together" by leveraging existing technologies like JavaBeans,
> JavaServer Pages, JDBC, Localization, and so forth. So moving forward, I
> see JSF as one more link in the chain. Once people start rolling out
> applications based on JSF, I'm sure there will be plenty of "missing
> links" for frameworks like Struts to provide.

There will definitely be such gaps.  Two of them we can already fill
(Tiles and the Validator Framework).  Others will involve frameworks for
multi-request transactions, non-HTML markup languages (building on top of
Faces for things like XUL or XForms or SVG is easy), non-JSP rendering
technologies (pretty much anything that has a way to mark where
dynamically created output goes can be adapted), libraries of prebuilt
components above and beyond the built-in standard ones (such components
work equally well in JSP and non-JSP environments), and all the
non-human-UI things based on XML technologies.  To say nothing of the fact
that we could start to provide useful design patterns and implementations
for the business logic tier as well as the presentation tier (like what
Ted has done with Scaffold).

> -Ted.


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