Sgarlata Matt wrote:
<SNIP>  If my other
suggestion of having the render() method call getters instead of directly
accessing instance variables is used, then renderExtraAttributes() becomes
more important. If it is not provided and someone wants to stick in some
non-HTML 4.01 compliant HTML, what they will do is override something like
the getSize() method so that it correctly renders the size and then sticks
in the understandard HTML.

David Graham wrote:
> I agree that the standard tags should be extendable to make customizations
> easy. <SNIP>

If there is a way to make extending tags easier for rich tags.... displaytag, calendar tag, (tree tag is anyone knows one?)... it would be very nice if they come more easier from CORE or HTML.

Just like people extend Action and ValidatorForm... it should be encouraged that people extend tags to make them rich (and there is now rich UI browser standard)

So please look upon kindley on how it can be made easier to exeetnd "CORE" and HTML tags.

(also IMO Struts HTML and tiles tag could/should migrate to taglibs)


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