
     Thank you, the concept that the ActionForms are like a buffer for the
form gave me a clear view of how is the working doing.

     I was trying to use typed attributes in order to automatically apply
an input mask and a validation of the form field based on the user Locale.
I would not need to configure any resource for applying this (like
validator or resources). For example: if the property is set as a
java.sql.Date, then the <html:text/> tag would apply a javascript for
applying an input mask based on the user Locale for considering, for
example, 'dd/MM/yy' or 'MM//dd/yy'.

     The things exists today would continue to exist as it gives wider
possibilities, but the commons tasks would be accomplished automatically. I
wanted to the default tasks to be performed by the framework, because today
the developer has to configure multiple points and this may cause a
application bugs.

     I suggest a single point of configuring validation, maskerating (a
mask 'on the fly', while the user digits the input) and parsing of complex
types that come from the request (like java.sql.Date).

     Again, thank you for the attention and I do want to participate of
such good work and organization I've seen here!


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