At 10:55 AM -1000 12/19/03, Don Brown wrote:
Yes, that is another way to handle it.  I never liked that approach since
it meant those urls could be accessed directly and I feel everything
should be behind Struts and its security.  Besides, that approach ties
your app to the Servlet API.

Touché... but I thought we were talking about STXX in Struts 1.x now. Besides, you could but the pages behind WEB-INF just like JSPs and avoid the direct access.

A few compromises: a different, unique syntax that doesn't look like a URL:


or some other...

or a two-part naming scheme like
<forward path="Foo.jsp" handler="requestDispatcher" />
although more likely for backwards compatibility the "handler" part would default to requestDispatcher. In fact, maybe you could just treat "handler" as the application-scoped name of a processor adhering to some interface that would do the processing... then you don't even have to parse the path; just pass it as is to the named handler if it's not the request processor.



On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Joe Germuska wrote:

 >Could stxx's XML processing features be put into Struts 1.x?  Yes, but
 >before that happens, I think some sort of url feature for forwarded paths
 >should be put in first.  This would allow a request to easily be forwarded
 >to a different presentation system without modifying or overriding the
 >request processor.  For example, a forward to a jsp page could look like:
 >"jsp://Foo.jsp", for tiles: "tiles://Foo.jsp", and for stxx:
 >"stxx://Foo.xsl".  This feature would make it easy to have multiple
 >presentation engines, a feature we say Struts supports, but it doesn't

 I'm still uncomfortable with minting new URL schemes.  Couldn't this
 be solved by deploying an additional servlet mapped to handle other
 extensions?  This is how JSPs work as it is; if your deployment
 descriptor gave *.xsl to the STXX servlet, then
 requestDispatcher.forward() would give control to STXX just to do the
 view rendering.

> I thought this was how the Velocity/Struts integration stuff worked already.

Joe Germuska
"We want beef in dessert if we can get it there."
-- Betty Hogan, Director of New Product Development, National Cattlemen's Beef Association

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