On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 23:01:27 -0500, Robert Leland wrote:
> Ted Husted wrote:
>> My one concern is that "contextRelative" is a verbose attribute
>> name and potentially confusing. From one perspective, the module
>> is the current "context" :). It really means to say
>> applicationContextRelative, but that's impossibly long for an
>> attribute name.
> We went the 'application' naming route before, why not just stick
> with a single term module,
> and call it moduleRelative ? Which is what is is, 'relative to the
> current module.
>> While I'm at it, how about if we turn the attribute around and
>> deprecate "contextRelative=true" in favor of "modular=false"?
>> So we'd have things tags <html:img page="/assets/logo.gif"
>> modular="false"  /> instead of   <html:img
>> page="/assets/logo.gif" contextRelative="true"  />

Either moduleRelative or modular would be fine with me.

I've done the initial work on this, but need to do some testing before I check it in. 
Probably tomorrow.


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