--- Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >This makes it easy for the apps to extend a common Maven 
> >project.xml. We could still offer a single zip/tarball with all the 
> >applications WARs within.
> >
> >/apps
> >  - examples
> >  - mailreader
> >  - tilesPortal
> >  - userdb
> >
> >Now that I say it, the same approach might conceivably be used for 
> >el, taglibs, and faces.
> >
> >/taglibs
> >  - classic
> >  - el
> >  - faces
> >
> >But, the problem with binding the taglib packages too closely is 
> >that they would all have to be distribution-ready before we did a 
> >new roll of any. So, an ongoing refactoring in the "classic" taglibs 
> >could block a quick release of the "faces" taglib.
> >
> >I really want to try and avoid the hydraulic dependencies of the 1.1 
> >era, where we had to have everything ready to release all at once  :(
> I think you've already made the case for not pushing all the taglibs 
> things together just because they are the same technology. 
> struts-faces should be its own thing, I'm pretty certain.
> >Joe suggested combining opt-el with opt-taglibs, though we'd have to 
> >be careful which dependencies are used to build what. (Which makes 
> >me think they are not the same deliverable. el might just have a 
> >dependency on taglib.) I don't actually use either one much myself, 
> >so I have no preferences myself.
> Whether the "classic" and "el" taglibs are one chunk or two isn't 
> hugely important to me either -- I would prefer that this decision be 
> made by developers who've done more work on that code to date. 
> However, I did find that when I patched 
> o.a.s.t.html.JavascriptValidator, I had to go and make a 
> corresponding change in the EL version.  I suspect that changes in 
> those two libraries are going to track pretty tightly.  But like I 
> said, I'm not pushing for this; just floating it...

Is there any reason that the EL tags wouldn't replace the existing tags
for Struts 2.0?  Also, IMO, many of the tags can be removed entirely for
2.0 because they've been replaced by more powerful counterparts in the


> Joe
> -- 
> Joe Germuska            
> http://blog.germuska.com    
>        "Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
> the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
> nobody thinks of complaining."
>              -- Jef Raskin
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