Ted Husted wrote:

> More to the point, do you have any thoughts about his AutoBean or
> Validator interfaces?

The "AutoBean" concept has been requested several times, often in the guise of
"beans with dynamic properties" so that you don't have to create a form bean
with individual getters and setters.  I'd like to explore this concept in depth
in Struts 1.1, which will give us time to make sure that a complete and coherent
set of support for such beans can be included (for example, all the custom tags
that know how to extract bean properties should now how to extract them from an
AutoBean, without the page developer having to do anything).

The "Validator" concept is interesting.  Besides the server-side format checking
that is being done here, I would also like to see the option for the form tags
to generate client-side JavaScript code (if requested) to check as many things
like this as you can on the client side, to improve the user experience.

> -T.


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