"Hines, Bill" wrote:

> > I'm always pleasantly surprised when I look, and as of a few seconds ago
> there
> > are 909 subscribers to STRUTS-USER (!!).  There are 450 on STRUTS-DEV.
> Yes, and the number of messages here daily often exceeds that of
> JSP_INTEREST! And more importantly, the messages and discussions here tend
> to be more focused and on-topic than other lists. Congratulations, Craig.

Thanks, but it's not just me ... the entire subscriber community has adopted a
style of high-bandwidth, on-topic, friendly discussions.  It's certainly
refreshing for me to participate here, compared to a bunch of other lists I
subscribe to :-).

> And John, don't sweat the mistake, I hope my post wasn't considered a flame.
> Most of us have made that mistake at one time or another, it's an easy one
> to make.

Having made my share (and that's one of the slightly embarrassing parts of open
source development you have to get used to -- everyone gets to see your goofs
:-), I wouldn't worry about mistakes.

> Bill


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