So what's your problem in this.

Ravi Kharse wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to achieve some thing using struts tag library
> <html:link page="/> +"><bean:message
> key="Details"/></html:link>
> <html:link page="/> +"><bean:message
> key="Details"/></html:link>
> <html:link page="/> +"><bean:message
> key="Details"/></html:link>
> <html:link page="/> +"><bean:message
> key="Details"/></html:link>
> where Index=1/2/3/4... etc is derived from the for loop. I:e
> for (int i=0; i < 10 ; i++)
> {
> <html:link page="/> +"><bean:message
> key="Details"/></html:link>
> }
> Your help is appreciated
> Thanks
> Ravi
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