Stuffer. I like it. =)

We have this:

<name>.jsp --> <name>Form --> <name>Action --> <name>BO --> <name>DAO --> <name>Entity

BO = Business object - where we put the application logic
DAO = Data Access Object - where the SQL is encapsulated
Entity = An object representation of the table - this may have a 1:1 relationship with 
the Form or it may not.

The BO-DAo-Entity objects are designed so that they maybe used by a struts/web 
application or other applications within the enterprise.



- mark h. nichols
- dhsv022 at dhs dot state dot il dot us 

The best laid plans o'mice and men gang aft aglay...
-Robert Burns

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/12/02 07:46AM >>>
Struts actually has very little to say about the model side of your application. It 
provides the controller and the means to extend it and provides for the use of JSPs 
with custom tags to give you your view, but the ActionForm objects have only one foot 
in the model world. They are really intended as parameter objects between Actions and 
JSPs if I have understood them correctly.

I said all that to say that you can call your model objects and their helper objects 
whatsoever you wish. Boring people like me use traditional pattern language like 
Manager and Factory, but you can use whatever sounds good.

For example, if you have a Customer object, then you might have supporting objects 
called CustomerManager and CustomerFactory. You might even want a CustomerPersister, 
how about a CustomerLoader (I really like the idea of calling this a CustomerStuffer, 
but it's early and I haven't finished my first cup of coffee! :-)

Hope this helps.


Simon P. Chappell                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Java Programming Specialist             
Lands' End, Inc.                                   (608) 935-4526

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 6:35 AM
>Subject: What do you call them beans?
>just a quick question. I want to have a set of classes that do 
>all the operations on my data classes. What do you call them 
>in Struts-speak? 
>The Action classes will call them to take care of the updates, 
>deletes, selects and stuff, and they'll return a data class or 
>collection of data classes. 
>I was thinking of calling them all with the suffix 'Man' for 
>Manager but that's kind of Microsoft-oriented, which I'm 
>trying to get away from.
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