nice one.
I was thinking of DataUni Negotiotor xxxDUNG.But don't allocate too many or
you'll full up th heap.  
--- "John M. Corro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll occassionally run a Tiered Accessor Entity to a Business
> which case I just label it a TaeBo   Sorry couldn't resist : )
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 8:04 AM
> Subject: RE: What do you call them beans?
> Stuffer. I like it. =)
> We have this:
> <name>.jsp --> <name>Form --> <name>Action --> <name>BO --> <name>DAO -->
> <name>Entity
> BO = Business object - where we put the application logic
> DAO = Data Access Object - where the SQL is encapsulated
> Entity = An object representation of the table - this may have a 1:1
> relationship with the Form or it may not.
> The BO-DAo-Entity objects are designed so that they maybe used by a
> struts/web application or other applications within the enterprise.
> HTH,
> /\/\ark
> ___________________________________
> - mark h. nichols
> - dhsv022 at dhs dot state dot il dot us
> The best laid plans o'mice and men gang aft aglay...
> -Robert Burns
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/12/02 07:46AM >>>
> Struts actually has very little to say about the model side of your
> application. It provides the controller and the means to extend it and
> provides for the use of JSPs with custom tags to give you your view, but the
> ActionForm objects have only one foot in the model world. They are really
> intended as parameter objects between Actions and JSPs if I have understood
> them correctly.
> I said all that to say that you can call your model objects and their helper
> objects whatsoever you wish. Boring people like me use traditional pattern
> language like Manager and Factory, but you can use whatever sounds good.
> For example, if you have a Customer object, then you might have supporting
> objects called CustomerManager and CustomerFactory. You might even want a
> CustomerPersister, how about a CustomerLoader (I really like the idea of
> calling this a CustomerStuffer, but it's early and I haven't finished my
> first cup of coffee! :-)
> Hope this helps.
> Simon
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Simon P. Chappell                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Java Programming Specialist            
> Lands' End, Inc.                                   (608) 935-4526
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 6:35 AM
> >Subject: What do you call them beans?
> >
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >just a quick question. I want to have a set of classes that do
> >all the operations on my data classes. What do you call them
> >in Struts-speak?
> >
> >The Action classes will call them to take care of the updates,
> >deletes, selects and stuff, and they'll return a data class or
> >collection of data classes.
> >
> >I was thinking of calling them all with the suffix 'Man' for
> >Manager but that's kind of Microsoft-oriented, which I'm
> >trying to get away from.
> >
> >Thanks
> >Adam
> >
> >
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> >
> >
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