I dont think you can directly compare Struts to EJB since both solve
different problems.. but you can use EJB with Struts..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kousek, Theron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 5:03 PM
Subject: Struts vs EJB, thoughts?

> Not that I am looking for a job (I am not), I have been working with
> for the last 4 months and don't mind it.  I see it as a "poor mans" EJB.
> have no EJB experience but I don't think transitioning over to EJB after
> working with struts as a big deal.  After all, they both act on
> beans.  Yeah, EJB has entity beans and session beans but you can easily
> simulate both of those types of beans using JSP/Struts/tomcat.  Since
> there's a gazillion people on the planet now that know how to program in
> Java, getting an EJB position will be next to impossible (I guess) if you
> don't have EJB experience.  Companies now have so many available Java
> programmers to pick and choose from and are in a position to require
> cuts for existing Java programmers on staff due to the plethoria of Java
> developers available to work who would be willing to work for less$
> a Java programmer is no longer an elite skill.   Now it's as common as
> coding in Cobol once was  :-(   I have already read about the salaries of
> Java programmers declining and I expect the trend to continue due to the
> economy and the oversupply of qualified Java programmers in the market
> place.  This is why so many companies can now demand specific product
> experience with Java (ie, "if you don't have 1 year of Bea Weblogic
> experience, see you later!!  Next person please...")...
> SO back to the Struts vs EJB issue:
> If one is comfortable with struts, how much more difficult would EJB be to
> get comfortable with?
> Also, seems like Struts is more useful for "smaller companies" and EJB is
> more suitable for large corporations.  Is this pretty much a valid
> statement?
> thanks...
> --
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