EJB and Struts are not the same thing. Struts is an "open source
framework for building Web applications that integrates with standard
technologies like Java Servlets, JavaBeans, and JavaServer Pages (JSP)."
Its goal is to do the mundane work of converting HTTP parameter
information into more Java-friendly models, as well as provide an MVC
architecture for your J2EE application. While you can construct an
application using struts and without EJBs, you can also construct an
application using both struts and EJBs. (For that matter, you can create
a J2EE application without struts and without EJBs, but why would you?

I would suggest you pick up a printed or online copy of the J2EE
Blueprints from Sun. There, it will outline the fundamental principles
of the J2EE architecture, the different tiers, where servlets, JSPs, web
frameworks, and EJBs fit in, and even some best practices and patterns.
>From there, you can determine if EJBs fit your applications' needs. 

As for whether EJBs is going to be required in the near future for you
to get a job, who's to say? But, I have found that many companies in the
Austin area have to make this decision before they begin their project,
so knowing at least how EJBs work and what the decision points are for
using or staying away from EJBs is necessary for any good software
designer (and a requirement for architects, of course). Just like any
distributed component architecture, EJBs require careful planning and
can be a painful decision to a project if the early architecture
decisions and daily decisions you make in your design are not well
thought out. I've seen projects die a horrible death from poor planning
and lack of overall architectural planning. When done right, EJBs can
make your life must easier, since there are many benefits provided to
your application that you gain for free from J2EE that you would have
had to build by hand otherwise.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kousek, Theron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 7:03 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: Struts vs EJB, thoughts?
> Not that I am looking for a job (I am not), I have been 
> working with struts for the last 4 months and don't mind it.  
> I see it as a "poor mans" EJB.  I have no EJB experience but 
> I don't think transitioning over to EJB after working with 
> struts as a big deal.  After all, they both act on 
> server-side beans.  Yeah, EJB has entity beans and session 
> beans but you can easily simulate both of those types of 
> beans using JSP/Struts/tomcat.  Since there's a gazillion 
> people on the planet now that know how to program in Java, 
> getting an EJB position will be next to impossible (I guess) 
> if you don't have EJB experience.  Companies now have so many 
> available Java programmers to pick and choose from and are in 
> a position to require salary cuts for existing Java 
> programmers on staff due to the plethoria of Java
> developers available to work who would be willing to work for 
> less$    Being
> a Java programmer is no longer an elite skill.   Now it's as common as
> coding in Cobol once was  :-(   I have already read about the 
> salaries of
> Java programmers declining and I expect the trend to continue 
> due to the bad economy and the oversupply of qualified Java 
> programmers in the market place.  This is why so many 
> companies can now demand specific product experience with 
> Java (ie, "if you don't have 1 year of Bea Weblogic 
> experience, see you later!!  Next person please...")...
> SO back to the Struts vs EJB issue:
> If one is comfortable with struts, how much more difficult 
> would EJB be to get comfortable with?  
> Also, seems like Struts is more useful for "smaller 
> companies" and EJB is more suitable for large corporations.  
> Is this pretty much a valid statement?
> thanks...
> --
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