Hi guys.

I downloaded the last nighty build of struts.

I would like to know which releases of external libraries are packaged with

I already uses some libraries of jakarta commons and I would like to know
which one I need to upgrade.

After studying the manifest of jars I listed this :

commons-beanutils : 1.4 dev
commons-collections : 2.0
commons-dbcp : unknown (last dev I suppose)
commons-digester : 1.3 dev
commons-logging : 1.0.1 dev
commons-pool : 1.0
commons-services : 1.0 dev (can't find it on the jakarta site. What it is
commons-validator : unknown (last dev)
jakarta-oro : unknown

Can you confirm my assumptions.

Are all jars usefull for struts or are there some of them used by some
extensions like tiles, .. ???

Thanks a lot.
  EAI Consulting
  Sopra Group
  Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 33 44 74

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