Nightly builds of Struts are always compiled from the latest source code
in CVS -- both for Struts itself and for all of the commons-xxxxx
dependencies.  There are definitely features and bugfixes in the commons
libraries that the current code in Struts depends on.  The only exception
for Apache code dependencies is ORO, where I'm packaging version 2.0.6.

At release time, we'll also do corresponding releases of stable versions
of the commons libraries we utilize.

By the way, commons-services is in the jakarta-commons-sandbox repository.
Nightly builds are available at:

By the way, a standard convention on most Apache library JARs is to
include versioning information in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file, so that
you (and tools) can determine which version is present.


On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Arnaud HERITIER wrote:

> Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 13:33:02 +0200
> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> To: "Struts-Dev (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>      "Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Struts dependencies
> Hi guys.
> I downloaded the last nighty build of struts.
> I would like to know which releases of external libraries are packaged with
> it.
> I already uses some libraries of jakarta commons and I would like to know
> which one I need to upgrade.
> After studying the manifest of jars I listed this :
> commons-beanutils : 1.4 dev
> commons-collections : 2.0
> commons-dbcp : unknown (last dev I suppose)
> commons-digester : 1.3 dev
> commons-logging : 1.0.1 dev
> commons-pool : 1.0
> commons-services : 1.0 dev (can't find it on the jakarta site. What it is
> ??)
> commons-validator : unknown (last dev)
> jakarta-oro : unknown
> Can you confirm my assumptions.
> Are all jars usefull for struts or are there some of them used by some
> extensions like tiles, .. ???
> Thanks a lot.
>   Arnaud HERITIER
>   EAI Consulting
>   Sopra Group
>   Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 33 44 74
>   email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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