I have seen so many extensions and ideas being developed around struts. One
of the things that I have noticed is that there are a lot of different
apporaches being taken towards using Struts. In my own conversations with
colleagues I have found that there is a fair amount of confusion mounting
over proper design patterns within and extending struts.

I don't know if there is a base set of "suggested" patterns that have been
layed out. But, maybe we can collect the wisdom of the contirbutors in order
to avoid development of heavy or misplaced extensions or apps. I know Ted
has laid down some stuff for us to view in his "Catalog". But, there have
been several things I've seen popping up. For example, The debate used to
be... do i extend the Action class or the Action Servlet... Now, we seem to
be extending the crap out of the Request Processor. The danger is that there
many ways to implement an idea and it could work in the extended Action
class or the extended RequestProcessor. But, why should we extend the
ReqeuestProcessor or the Action class. What extensions are best run against
each of the extendable classes within struts. Also, I have seen a
processPreprocess() method that is being used in the RequestProcessor class.
What is the best use for processPreproccess()?

Finally, from what i am seeing of the struts codebase is that it is starting
to get really bulky. I thought the goal was to remain lightweight and
provide hooks for extensions. I am seeing all the nifty extensions being
developed and put into the base. Isn't there a way we can provide
configurable extending? Rather than work on making the base include every
good extension, why not make the base easier to extend and provide a
standard set of hooks that can be used to access the internals. I think
maybe I'm all washed up on this. I have been using struts for a year now and
I am constantly wondering what the heck is going on. Everyone seems to be
doing things different and it's getting difficult to build a project that is
going to have some longevity.

In summary, I am seeing people develop extensions that conflict and do not
play nice with other extensions. I see Action classes being extended and I
see RequestProccessor classes being extended which are making for a mighty
mess when trying to get them to play together in a single project. It just
seems that there needs to be a little clarity on extending practice/purpose
and we need to get some clarity or development focus on an easier and more
configurable extending of struts.

Is anyone else thinking what I am?

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

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