Thanks for the info, Craig.

It looks like SecurityFilter won't work with EJB apps, now or in the future,
with current server implementations.

My feedback about what I find lacking in current container managed security
are these items:
1) The inability to submit "unsolicited" login requests (when the container
didn't force you to the login form)
2) Lack of a standard realm interface (though this is becoming a non-issue
with JAAS, LDAP adapters, etc.)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Max,
> I'm very glad to hear that you've covered this issue in the docs already
> ... it is a very obvious place that people might make mistaken
> assumptions.  However, I can't hold out much hope that you will be able to
> find a portable solution to working for EJBs in the short term.
> The key problem you're facing is that you need to convince the container
> to trust an application's assertions about security -- and that just isn't
> going to fly in current generation containers, because it would lead to
> a raft of security attacks by maliciously coded applications.  (If we want
> that kind of thing, we can just use .NET, thank you :-).  I'm personally
> adamant about Tomcat *never* trusting a user application for this kind of
> thing, until there is a safe way to do so.  I can't imagine that any other
> app server would be any less stringent about managing something this
> fundamental either.
> The current reality of J2EE security APIs is that there is no portable
> mechanism to support several commonly-desired features (such as setting up
> new users and auto-logging-in in a portal type environment).  These sorts
> of problems need to be solved at the container level, so that applications
> don't need to worry about them.
> In my day-job role (at Sun) as the Web Layer Architect for the entire J2EE
> platform, this is one of my priority concerns.  Unfortunately, providing
> the appropriate solution is going to take a while.  In the mean time,
> things like SecurityFilter serve a very valid need for non-EJB webapps,
> and I'm happy to see that you've taken on the effort to provide a general
> purpose solution in this problem space.
> Craig

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